Color Psychology and Packaging

When we think of color, we usually don’t take into account the psychology of it. It, however, can say so much about the brand without even uttering one word. Think about how you’ve walked down the aisles, picked up something, and noticed the color immediately. With only 90 seconds to get their decision, and 90% of the decision being made on color and only color, you have to take this into account. 

It isn’t just pretty colors though, but also how they will influence decisions based on the marketing and branding. 

Want to find out how this works? Well strap in, and let’s look at color theory, and how it applies to packaging! 

The importance Of color 

Color is something that works well in our world today. 

Our brains are hardwired to feel different ways towards certain colors. 

For instance, brighter, inviting hues are fun. Black is sleeker and more sophisticated. Red is passionate and pulls you in. 

On a deeper level however, the target audience formed an opinion just from viewing color the moment they get the package. 

So what can color do for packaging? Well, tit can make your customer far mor likely to buy something. the appearance contributes to impulsive buying, since results showed that the more attractive this packaging is, the more active the brain part associated with impulsivity kicks in. 

There is also less activity in the areas that are responsible for logical, reflective thought. 

Interestingly enough, attractive forms of packaging also trigger better reward responses. On the flip side, unattractive options triggered less favorable emotions. 

Color, overall appearance, and the way packaging looks makes customers more likely to be impulsive, and bypass the reflective thought once more, and are more rewarded in these purchases. 

What to Expect with color 

One cool thing that color does with packaging is that colors tell the customers about what’s within it, prior to any engagement. 

For instance, let’s take sweets and drinks.   You’ll notice when you find the exterior of the product, it reflects the color of the fruit inside. yellow bottles for instance usually have a pineapple or lemon flavor.  The same goes for red and strawberry.

Customers associate those colors with flavors. For instance, think about salt and vinegar, and how it’s usually a blue container. 

This is important, because a lot of times people will get upset if you do the switcheroo around with that type of product. 

There are even disputes that have happened because of this. 

Color does also enhance the expectations and tastes of customers, and how they like the product overall. According to cheese research, it was discovered that the people who had lighter colors thought they’d get mellower flavors, and deeper hues conveyed a sharper, bolder sort of taste. 

This is good for spicy products too.   If you give it reds and blacks, it can associate the user’s senses with spice. 

Remembering this is important, because you’ll want to make sure that you also focus on the packaging that you wish to. 

How to Choose the right color 

The best way to choose the correct color is to consider the branding and image, and how you want to communicate. Make sure you know what the intent of the packaging is, and whether you want it to be professional, elegant, and also will reinforce the identity. 

Make sure you know your commitment to the environment, sustainability, and so much more.   this is a good way to not only figure out the different aspects of your own brand, but also to better understand the colors, and the conveyance of such. 

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