Christmas is one of the most fun times of the year. Looking out my window right now the first snow of the year is going on and it seems that a little bit of magic has landed on my state. It is just lovely to see the change in the weather and with that usually comes all of the fun gatherings of friends, family, and co-workers. I love all the get-togethers and all the time spent, but with that usually comes the exchange of some kind of gifts. With all the different types of people and gifts to give I have found that wrapping changes for each and every situation. I know that either way I am going to stock up on my favorite packaging supplies in order to get all the wrapping done that I like to do. And I mean packaging supplies are needed because I like to wrap my presents like a brick vault. Or more like a bank vault I think is the correct term.
What I have found though is that wrapping presents need to be a little different depending on who is receiving them and where. That is a key part of Christmas because some people do not react the same as others and you need to cater that wrapping in the best of ways. So that is why I plan on going over a few different ways I wrap gifts and for which situation.
When it comes to wrapping gifts for close friends and family that are usually buddies I like to go an extra step. I like to make gifts super hard to get into and the more complicated and tricky they are the more fun. Usually, I know that my brother in particular is truly expecting the extra work he has to put in. I think it is hilarious that most people know to bring a nice knife when they come to one of my gift-giving moments. Duct tape is a favorite of mine and when you are able ot mix that with packing tape at the same time the package can get crazy. Boxes are super easy to get into, so I like to use plastic wrap and tape to suffice as the wrapping material. But this is all for fun and I am careful not to put the gift in jeopardy as a knife is being used. Now many people hate these types of gifts and simply get angry at having to dig into them so harshly. So be careful who you wrap a gift for this hard.
For work gifts, I am now over the whole idea of wrapping. I like to actually use Christmas gift bags instead and find that this tends to work super well. The best part of gift bags is the time savings that goes into them. I don’t really like spending a ton of time on a gift that needs to go quickly in a group setting. No one wants to wait around while someone takes forever to open a gift when 50 people have to do the same. So be smart when it comes to company gift wrapping and do yourself a favor and simply make it quick. Your whole company will thank you and your coworker who is opening the gift will as well.