If you find yourself leaving your place of residence for the first time then you are in for a surprise. Lots of things you have probably never thought of will soon become very important. What sort of things am I talking about? Well things like, costs for insurance on the rental truck. Extra tape you may need for the boxes that started to bend and break. You may also need to go out and purchase cardboard boxes in order to pack your things up. These little things all take time and also money.
I have moved at least 10 times in my life for all types of various reasons and I have moved during different aspects of my life as well. The differences between moving young, at college, moving into a home and moving from one home to another all have different aspects to them. It also means you may be adding different types of things to the list of moving. So let’s go over just a few tips on moving out for the first time.
First things first, congratulations on moving to a new location. Even if you are moving for a sad reason, take this time to realize that a new start is about to occur. It can be negative if you let it, but it can be very positive because you get to start someplace new and start over in a way. Now that is just exciting.
The next thing to do is think about moving all your things and finding out how much you have. This is pretty easy and I like to get a few cheap moving boxes and compare the sizes and think about how many I would need to get my things from one place to another. This is called planning, and it also help you know how many cheap moving boxes you may need to actually move or purchase. I like to ask people for old boxes or even companies for boxes so I don’t have to pay for them, but there is a benefit to getting brand new corrugated boxes.
This is that they are usually stronger and less likely to bend or tear. I have hurt my back before due to a box bending and the weight shifting while I was carrying it. This caused a muscle in my back to pull and that was certainly not fun. New boxes eliminate this issue usually and can be worth the cost of purchasing if that is what may happen. So happy moving!