What makes a product attractive to a customer, and more importantly, what makes a customer want to buy a product? Of course there are many factors that ultimately go into that decision, but let’s think about packaging for a minute. One thing that is fairly well known about human nature is that we are very visual creatures. We are drawn to products that look attractive or look well designed. When marketing a product, it is essential to consider the impacts of packaging. Here are a few tips to think about when you are designing packaging to help attract customers.
First of all, packaging is important, but never forget that customers are not really buying the packaging, they want what is inside. The outside should reflect the inside. Customers should be instantly aware of what they are buying, and useful product information should be clearly visible. Often, if shoppers are confused by packaging, they will not purchase the product. So, good packaging may grab their attention, but good products will keep it.
Don’t be afraid to test out package design on a random group before hitting the market. Feedback and reactions at this point allow for redesign if necessary. It’s kind of like a practice run, and can give you a feel for how the packaging will be perceived by a larger audience. So, test before you invest in the final package design. Also, be sure your packaging is not misleading. Don’t let the package promise things that the product will not live up to. Sales are great, but disappointed customers are not.
Next, consider the function of the product, and allow the packaging to enhance that if possible. Most importantly, remember that looks are not everything. Many customers are more attracted to efficiency and functionality. Knowing the type of customer that may be most attracted to your product will help determine the type of packaging needed.
You only get a few seconds with each customer for approval or rejection. Most shoppers are put off by fancy, hard to read fonts, or colored lettering that blends in with the background. Make sure lettering is clearly legible. It is a good idea to study successful products. Look for the elements of design that contribute to that success. Likewise, look at less successful brands, and determine what design flaws may be holding them back. Then, incorporate what you learn into your best design.
Another thing to consider once you have your product in place is that tweaks to packaging can often give sales a boost. Consumer interests and demands change over time, and being aware of those changes and responding with packaging changes can maintain or accelerate sales. With redesigns as well as originals, never sacrifice quality. Packaging Supplies should reflect class.
Finally, remember your product faces a lot of competition. Consumers are not going to get to see your item showcased alone. It is just going to be one product out of thousands on the shelves. Make sure you consider the impact of the product packaging when lined up and presented to customers. Something about the packaging should be distinctive and appeal to a range of customers in order to experience the greatest success. Packaging is not an easy task, but by considering and implementing some or all of the tips presented here, consumers are going to notice.