Simple Tips on Packing for a Move

Moving is full of challenges and twist and turns, starting with how to find cheap moving boxes all the way up to unpacking them in your new home.  Thankfully, enough people have done it and there are plenty of tips and tricks for how to make the whole process go as smoothly and stress-free as it can.


The Best Practices for Packing

A lot of websites and blogs will tell you to start with new, heavy-duty, corrugated boxes.  However, I am going to tell you that using used, cheap moving boxes is just as effective and will save you a ton of money.  That being said, use only the boxes that are not bent or broken, because once the integrity of a box has been compromised it goes down hill from there pretty quickly.

Reinforce the bottom of said boxes with packaging tape.

Pack heavier items at the bottom and lighter items at the top.

Fill all empty spaces with linens, newspaper, bubble wrap etc. for additional support and protection.

Do not pack your boxes too heavy, so the first step is using medium sized boxes.  Also, be sure to use even smaller boxes when packing things like books.  Even though you started out by reinforcing the bottoms, the larger the box the heavier it will be and the more likely that the bottom will go out.

Ensure that each box can close and be properly sealed.  Don’t leave stuff sticking out the top because then you can’t stack them, and that will be the beginning of a very frustrating moving experience.  That’s why you got cheap moving boxes– so you can use as many as you need to!


Keep in mind that if you are using a moving company, they will refuse to move any boxes that appear to be incorrectly packed, not durable, or containing hazardous items.

Also, a moving company will charge you a fee if they wind up having to repack any boxes during the moving process.

Packing Small Items

Packing small items is a challenge, to be sure.  From hardware to silverware, they are small, loose objects that make moving more of a nightmare.  This is when organization becomes the most important.

As you are taking your furniture apart, make sure you put the hardware in individual baggies that are properly labeled.  Then, put all of those baggies in a larger bag, and keep that with the other essential items you are going to need for the unpacking process.

Use shoeboxes or plastic baggies for other smaller items, and then pack those in a larger box.

Most Important Tip for Moving

Once again, a lot of websites and blogs will encourage you to pack in garbage bags to save on boxes.  Once again, this is why you find cheap moving boxes, so that you don’t have to skimp on them.  Garbage bags tear easily, are awkward for stacking, and wind up being more trouble than they are worth.

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